Intel monitors changing skill requirements and institutes a redeployment program when it becomes necessary to downsize a business. Under this program, managers effectively lay off people, and the head count of the business unit is moved off the payroll. These excised people enter a redeployment pool under the auspices of human resources. Once in the pool, employees generally have four to six months, and can do one of three things:
1) search for another job within Intel;
2) seek additional training that will enable them to pursue a new position;
3) take a temporary assignment that doesn’t count against their time in the pool.
By no means is the redeployment pool a dumping ground for performance problems. Poor performers don’t get a chance to join the pool; instead, they are forced to leave the company. The company treats redeployment as a benefit, spending $6 million to $10 million a year on the program.
Source: The Triumph of People Power and the New Economy
Original Publication: strategy+business
Subject: Human Resources
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