Interview Last 5–10 Lost Sales Prospects
Ask your sales reps to give you a list of customers that fit your target profile, but for some reason the deal was lost. Send a quick email and ask them to spend 15 min of their time to understand why they went the other way. If needed, give them a $20 Starbucks gift card. The goal here is to understand who those people are, what problems they were looking to solve, what drove their decision, who was involved in their buying process, and what was the main deal breaker.
Interview the last 5–10 customers you won
Conduct similar interviews with recently signed customers.
Interview customers that have been using your product for 1yr+
If your company is lucky enough to be in the business for a year, you should have customers who renewed and those that churned. Interview a couple of those customers with focus on understanding why they use your product, how often, and what do they like the most.
Source: Effective Value Messaging: The Definitive Guide
Original Publication: Medium
Subjects: Market Research, Marketing / Sales, Project Management
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