Analyze Your Firm’s Jobs and Activities

McKinsey has been investigating the future impact of automation on the workplace. The firm structures its analysis around roughly 2,000 individual work activities and assesses the requirements for each of these activities against 18 different capabilities (see below) that potentially could be automated. Analyzing your own firm’s jobs and activities with a similar framework would not only help plan for future disruptions, but also could be useful in designing better hiring and employee management programs.


  1. Social and emotional sensing
  2. Social and emotional reasoning
  3. Emotional and social output


  1. Understanding natural language
  2. Generating natural language
  3. Retrieving information
  4. Recognizing known patterns/categories (supervised learning)
  5. Generating novel patterns/categories
  6. Logical reasoning/problem solving
  7. Optimizing and planning
  8. Creativity
  9. Articulating/displaying output
  10. Coordinating with multiple agents


  1. Sensory perception
  2. Fine motor skills/dexterity
  3. Gross motor skills
  4. Navigation
  5. Mobility
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