Institutionalizing a Feedback Process: The Feedback and Change Team (FACT)

Mosaic, a faith-based nonprofit organization that provides a variety of support services for people with developmental disabilities, has institutionalized a feedback process. Mosaic has more than 4,800 employees in 50 communities in 15 U.S. states and Great Britain. Very few of them directly report to a central administration office, which could hinder communication. So Mosaic developed the Feedback and Change Team (FACT), which consists of 10 employees from various departments who are charged with disseminating senior leadership decisions and the rationale behind them. Along the way, the team gathers ideas, concerns, and suggestions from the rank-and-file, which they pass back up to senior leadership. The teams have created a highly useful feedback loop that grounds upper-level decisions in operational reality and makes remote workers feel included. “The goal of using the FACT team is to obtain feedback from staff directly affected by changes,” says Raul Saldivar, Mosaic’s senior vice president of human resources and chief integrity officer. “It improves decision making, obtains additional champions for change, and increases employee engagement.”

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